Kat’s Piece #8: The Energy Industry Is Recovering, Too

"The social cost of separation from family, losing the land, losing their jobs — how can you measure all of these impacts, estimating the risk of nuclear power?" asks Tatsu Suzuki, a former nuclear engineer and now professor at Nagasaki University.

Kat interviews Chiyomi Endo, whose family evacuated from the area right next to Daiichi to as far south as they could drive in Japan, the most southern tip of Kyushuu. Here, she and her late husband — a former nuclear worker at Daiichi — started a solar farm, in hopes to help create a better future beyond nuclear energy. Photo Credit: Claire Harbage/NPR


Kat’s Piece #9: A Town Overtaken by Monkeys


Kat’s Piece #7: A Tale of Two Towns